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Redd Remedies

Best Supplement Brands

One of the best supplement brands is Redd Remedies. Supplements promise to relieve everything from migraines to insomnia, but unless you’re careful about where you obtain them, you might not be getting what you paid for. Pesticides or fillers are common in many brands and consumers need to do their homework before using supplements that will do nothing or make matters worse.

At Redd Remedies, we thoroughly research, and select natural ingredients ranging from plants used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic medicine to European herbals, vitamins, minerals and extracts supported by clinical trials. We then apply the latest laboratory processing and testing techniques to ensure every bottle contains exactly what is on the label and will deliver the intended results. With considerable growth from the delivery of our first product in 2005, we now offer over 30 products targeting a range of health issues in 10 categories. Available online and at over 3500 stores across the United States and around the world, Redd Remedies formulations have helped tens of thousands of people put their health in order and achieve life-changing results. As one of the best supplement brands, Redd Remedies can help you reap those same rewards of a balanced, healthy life.


We verify every raw material vendor, every raw material used, every step of the manufacturing and packaging processes. Every product specification for each batch – including testing by industry-leading, independent laboratories is verified.


We believe this first step to being the best supplement brand is the most important. We only work with vendors who:

  • Respect the traditional use of the herb
  • Harvest and process in a fashion consistent with that tradition
  • Verify that the ingredients we purchase from them are obtained in a manner that assures global protections for all elements involved in the production and gathering processes: the environment, the people and the survival of wild herb plants.


  • Every raw material included in a Redd Remedies product is verified for identity, purity, and potency.
  • We ensure that what is on the label is in the bottle, using established and accepted testing methods that are most suited to each specific raw material.
  • We obtain and check certificates of analysis, including full disclosure of potential food allergens and GMO status.
  • All the raw materials we use are screened to assure that they are free of potential contaminants.
  • We confirm that each Redd Remedies capsule or tablet contains the specific dosage of ingredients listed on the label, using established and accepted testing methods.


  • Each step of the manufacturing process is double-checked and verified.
  • From choosing the proper bottle, lid and seal to inspecting and approving the types of machines used in the process prior to a production run, we ensure that Redd Remedies produces only the highest quality natural products.
  • Throughout manufacturing processes, we ensure that the weights of capsules and tablets are verified, color is consistent, and standard operating procedures are followed.


  • Purity, potency, and label claims are verified for each batch of Redd Remedies natural solutions.
  • We test for heavy metals, gluten, and microbial plates, and for pesticide residues.
  • We test using the European Union standards, which are more comprehensive and stringent than U.S. standards.
  • We verify that our capsules and tablets break down within the specified time frame, to ensure that they deliver our natural health solutions efficiently and effectively.

Redd Remedies products are tested by industry-leading, third-party laboratories that understand and are familiar with the complexities of dietary supplements and botanical analysis. If you want the best supplement brand that is safe and contains only the ingredients you want, then you want Redd Remedies.

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