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Redd Remedies

Cholesterol – We Need It!

Cholesterol is the topic of much conversation and concern, but understanding what it is, how critical it is for your overall health, and how your body tries to maintain a balance all on its own might make the subject seem less confusing and troubling.

What is cholesterol and what does it do?

Cholesterol is a lipid, a molecule, that your body produces. Lipids contain hydrocarbons and serve as building blocks that are essential to the structure and function of living cells.

Your body uses cholesterol building blocks in the production of hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and the stress hormone, cortisol. It also helps your body generate natural vitamin D, as sunlight creates vitamin D by acting on cholesterol in your skin cells.

How does the body make cholesterol?

The liver produces 75% of the cholesterol that your body needs, but every cell in your body can produce cholesterol, as they all need it to form their protective membranes.

When cells need additional cholesterol (for example, to increase the level of estrogen or testosterone), the liver activates to produce an extra supply. The new cholesterol is bundled with a protein and sent into the bloodstream, where any cell that needs it can take it in.

The small intestines also contribute to the creation and absorption of cholesterol.

What about cholesterol in the foods we eat?

Absent a genetic disorder or a high intake of damaged animal fat cholesterol, your body is able to balance its cholesterol levels when you eat foods containing cholesterol. The body regulates itself and reduces the amount of cholesterol it produces when foods containing cholesterol are ingested. There is a genetic disorder that inhibits this natural slowing-down process, and greater attention to dietary intake is necessary for those with that condition.

When animal foods are cooked at high temperature, damaged animal fat cholesterol is created, which the body cannot easily process and discharge. People who eat a lot of meat cooked at high temperatures need to pay more attention to their cholesterol numbers to reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems.

LDL and HDL – What are they?

They are not cholesterol! They are: Low Density Lipoprotein and High Density Lipoprotein. They are the proteins that bind with cholesterol and move it through your body.

Low Density Lipoproteins transport “fresh” cholesterol through the bloodstream to the cells that need it. Excess LDLs can result in plaque buildup and hardening of arteries, which can lead to blockages as plaque breaks off and more builds up.

High Density Proteins carry off the cholesterol molecules that need to be recycled, delivering them to the liver.

Blood tests can measure HDL and estimate LDL levels. Total cholesterol counts include another factor – Lp(a) – that cannot be measured. Recommendations for desired levels have shifted over the years, and the ratios between the numbers are often considered a better indicator of cardiovascular health risk.

What can I do?

Eating a diet rich in foods that contain healthy cholesterol (avocados, olive oil, etc.) helps maintain a healthy balance in your body. Exercise facilitates a healthy blood flow, aiding in the effective transport of cholesterol and other blood-borne nutrients.

Natural supplements that nourish and support the liver and the cardiovascular system can contribute to maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. The ingredients in REDD Remedies’ Cholesterol D-fense formula have a long history of use in multiple healing traditions to support the organs and systems that help you maintain a healthy cholesterol level.

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