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Redd Remedies

Magnificent Magnesium-L-Threonate

Magnesium -L-threonate is showing exciting results in studies examining its benefits for many aspects of healthy cognition.

Involved in over 300 enzyme-catalyzed reactions in the body, including electrochemical activities that control muscles and regulate brain cell communications, magnesium is a life-sustaining mineral. It regulates the ability of our brain cells to make neuro connections that enable us to create memories and to learn.

Known as plasticity, magnesium enhances this ability to forge new connections and strengthen those connections, known as long-term potentiation. Plasticity allows us to add, remove or revise connections that support healthy cognitive function, and magnesium levels greatly impact the brain’s plasticity.

It’s complicated

Our brains contain 100 billion neurons. Each neuron can have thousands of synapses – where information sent through one neuron (sometimes called a nerve cell) passes to a receptor neuron. That means there are trillions of synaptic connections in the brain.

Magnesium, which lives in the spaces between the cells, has a significant role in regulating synaptic density and controlling synaptic communications.

Insufficient magnesium means that cognitive functions, including memory, are not receiving the support they need for optimal performance. Without adequate magnesium, the brain loses plasticity. Loss of brain plasticity and a related decline in cognitive function have commonly been thought of as inevitable problems related to aging, and we are learning that chronic stress can also negatively impact plasticity.

However, recent studies have shown that increasing the magnesium levels in the brain can reverse deterioration of plasticity and improve cognitive function.

The problem is that even with a diet that provides the recommended amounts of magnesium, which few Americans maintain, the ingested magnesium may not make it into the brain where it is so needed.


There is one form of magnesium that has been shown to effectively cross the blood-brain barrier: magnesium-L-threonate (MgT), developed by scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Threonic acid is a sugar acid derived from an ascorbic acid metabolite. Compounding threonate with magnesium increases the uptake of the mineral and makes it more available to the synapses and neurons in our brains. Why? Threonate occurs naturally in the cerebral-spinal fluid, so the body recognizes that it belongs in CSF and moves it there once it’s ingested – and the magnesium is carried along with it.

Animal studies have shown stronger memory and ability to learn in rats supplemented with MgT. One study focused on brain synaptic density showed significant increase with MgT supplementation, which diminished when supplementation was ceased. Another showed significant improvement in young animals as well as senior animals with aging brains.

Brain Awakening

Magnesium-L-threonate is one of three ingredients in Brain Awakening, our simple formula that supports healthy cognitive function and brain and nervous system health. Taking 4 capsules a day delivers all the MgT you need to support brain and body health.

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