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Revealed | Cholesterol Isn’t Always as Bad as You May Think...

Cholesterol is actually responsible for a lot of good that happens inside our bodies…

This blog reveals:

  • The truth about cholesterol’s bad reputation.
  • The surprising source of most of our cholesterol.
  • The difference between LDL and HDL cholesterol.
  • How high is “too high” regarding cholesterol levels.
  • The ancient herbs that could be the key to maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.
  • The all-natural formula helping to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Plenty of Americans are worried about trying to lower their cholesterol levels. This is understandable, given that higher cholesterol levels can lead to a greater risk of heart disease.

Many people will try to force their cholesterol levels to drop by adopting different diets and exercise regimens.

This is important. But, high cholesterol can actually be a symptom of a much larger problem in the body.

Unless we treat the root cause of our skyrocketing cholesterol levels, we will always be fighting a losing battle.

Does cholesterol deserve its bad reputation?

Absolutely not.

While too much cholesterol can be a cause for concern, cholesterol in and of itself is not a bad thing. It’s actually a necessary part of any healthy, optimally functioning body.

In fact, our cells simply cannot live without cholesterol. It acts as a signaling molecule for cell membranes, helping what goes in and out of our cells. We need it to help us create bile salts and digest fats.

It also helps facilitate fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamins E, D, and K, and is the backbone of our “steroid hormones” such as testosterone and estrogen!

Foods such as fatty meats and full-fat dairy products are indeed sources of cholesterol, but many are shocked to learn that your largest source of cholesterol… is yourself!

You are responsible for roughly 85% of all your cholesterol. Your liver makes much of it, but your brain also creates its own supply!

LDL VS HDL Cholesterol… What’s the difference?

Commonly, LDL cholesterol is known as “bad cholesterol” and HDL is known as “good cholesterol.”

This is misleading; as we‘ve just stated, no cholesterol is “bad” for you, you can just have too much of it.

“HDL” and “LDL” refer to the lipoprotein that is carrying the cholesterol through your bloodstream.

  • HDL - High-density lipoprotein
  • LDL - Low-density lipoprotein.

Think of your blood vessels as a highway, High-density lipoproteins as semi-trucks, and low-density lipoproteins as two-door coupes.

When your body is in balance, the highway runs smoothly. Cholesterol is taken by the semi-truck load and coupe-load to where it needs to be.

However, if your HDL levels get too low, and your LDL levels get too high (typically what is referred to by “high cholesterol”), there won’t be enough vehicle space to keep your cholesterol moving.

This can lead to LDL cholesterol sticking to the walls of your blood vessels. The cholesterol doesn’t get taken back to the liver where it is flushed from the body. Your cholesterol level then continues to rise.

Cholesterol levels: How high is too high?

Every person’s body has a state of homeostasis.

This is the state of the body’s regular, internal, physical and chemical conditions. Your resting bodily temperature, blood PH, and so on. These levels naturally differ from person to person. Every single body has different needs, and will regulate itself accordingly. Your cholesterol level is no different, so putting a definite threshold on “how high is too high” is actually a bit counterproductive.

Instead of assessing our cholesterol level as “high” because of an arbitrary metric, we suggest a different solution.

A different way of understanding cholesterol levels.

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

First, understand what your specific cholesterol level is when in homeostasis.

Then, if your cholesterol level is running higher than it normally would, instead of immediately taking measures to force your level back to its average, ask the question:

“Why could that be?”

We’ve told you how important cholesterol is to your bodily process. We’ve also explained that your body creates 85% of its cholesterol.

Isn’t it possible that your cholesterol level is running high because your body currently needs more cholesterol? Think of this:

  • Are you currently creating more testosterone or cortisol or estrogen than normal? You’ll need cholesterol for that.
  • Are you currently experiencing a deficiency in Vitamin D? This too could create more cholesterol.
  • If your cells are experiencing inflammation or damage, you will also release cholesterol.

If our body is trying to tell us something, it behooves us to listen to it rather than just trying to get it to quiet down.

If a baby is crying we always ask “why?” Is it hungry? Is it tired? Does it need changing? We don’t just try to close the baby’s mouth - we try and locate the source of the discomfort that is causing the baby to cry.

This is the mindset we need to take when investigating “high” cholesterol levels.

We are not disparaging a healthy diet and exercise; these are essential to living a balanced life. But, the mindset of trying to force your cholesterol number lower when it could very well be trying to alert you to a different, larger problem is not conducive to success.

Ganoderma lucidumThe ancient herbs that could be key to maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.

It is this change in mindset that illuminated the key to our solution: adaptogens.

Adaptogens are herbs that have been used in ayurvedic practices and Traditional Chinese Medicine for hundreds of years.

While they are most popularly known for their stress-relieving capabilities, adaptogens are also going to be the way that we formulate your cholesterol care.

Adaptogens are not system-specific, they work to nourish us on a body-wide basis. By nourishing the body, we can attempt to alleviate the body’s need to produce so much cholesterol. This can include bringing balance to the endocrine system, kidneys, and immune system.

The adaptogens we use in this formula are mainly cordyceps and reishi mushrooms. These mushrooms have been shown to be cardio-protective, and can help to bring your HDL and LDL numbers into balance!

The all-natural formula helping to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

We created Cholesterol Triple Care™ with the ethos of nourishing your body so it may not need to produce large amounts of cholesterol.

Helping you maintain a healthy level of cholesterol are several pure, all-natural ingredients! They include:

  • A green tea extract to provide optimal antioxidant protection! Why are antioxidants important? Because LDL cholesterol doesn’t stick to arterial walls until after it is oxidized by free radicals such as superoxide.
  • Cordyceps and Reishi mushrooms provide the adaptogenic support needed to nourish your body into balance. During times of stress they bring support to the cardiovascular system, and the latter will also promote healthy cholesterol metabolism and cardiovascular health.
  • A traditional Asian food used for centuries for its positive health benefits, we can’t leave out red yeast rice! This food also contains numerous antioxidant benefits.

Cholesterol plays so many different roles in the body and every person is different. Instead of trying to force your cholesterol level down, think deeply about what your body may be trying to tell you.

Use Cholesterol Triple Care™ to bring your body back into balance and maintain healthy cholesterol levels!

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