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Redd Remedies

Affiliate Tool Kit

Welcome to the Redd Remedies Ambassador Program!

Now that you’ve been approved, you’ll have access to lots of resources designed to make promoting Redd Remedies simple and easy.

Below, you’ll find examples of swipe emails, photography, and various social media posts that you can use. We also encourage you to create your own text and images to best suit the look and feel of your personal brand and messaging.

Take Me To Ambassador Assets 

Feel free to use the assets exactly as they appear, or personalize with your own twist. We want to help you help your audience find new products that become their favorites…and your recommendations will go a long way toward making that happen!

Life is full of do’s and don’ts

Below are a few important rules for Ambassadors.

Rule 1: Do not represent yourself as the Redd Remedies brand, nor as an employee of Redd Remedies. If this is done, Redd Remedies holds the right to immediately suspend your affiliate account, and withhold any unpaid affiliate commissions from such posts. 

You can however, represent Redd Remedies as an ambassador, but you must mention that you are a paid partner of ours and include the hashtag #ReddRemediesPartner on all posts.

Rule 2:  You must never claim that a Redd Remedies product can be used to “cure” or “treat.” For example, Redd Remedies’ Heart Strong will not “cure” heart disease, but it can certainly “support your best heart health.” See the full list of no-no words on Page 5 of the Affiliate Guide Section "How to Talk About Nutritional Supplements" HERE

Rule 3:  Do not conduct paid search (PPC) unless you have first received written approval (email correspondence) from Redd Remedies. If you conduct PPC without approval, Redd Remedies holds the right to immediately suspend your affiliate account, and withhold any unpaid affiliate commissions from such posts.

To request approval to conduct paid search advertising, contact the Redd Remedies Ambassador Program manager Katie Jones at 

Rule 4: When referring to Redd Remedies, always use the full company name, “Redd Remedies.” Please refrain from any shortening or abbreviating (“Redd,” “Redd’s Products,”) etc. When speaking about a product, make sure to say our brand name with the product name. Examples: “Redd Remedies Rhythm and Flo” ...“Redd Remedies Thyroid Strong.”

Rule 5: You are welcome to use your own lifestyle images to best suit your audience. Please make sure the images are done in good taste to best represent Redd Remedies. NO alcohol, no drugs, no off-color language, nor anything that could be deemed “inappropriate.” We are a family owned company and want ambassador content to reflect family values and care for all. 

Rule 6: All ambassadors are required to comply with the FDA and FTC guideline requirements. If you do not, you as an individual can be held responsible by the FDA or FTC. It is required that you read the FTC guidelines 

They are also linked in the affiliate guidebook.

Rule 7: You may not put your coupon codes in the comments on any of Redd Remedies social media posts to generate conversions. You can, however, request a unique vanity code from Redd Remedies and, if approved, include it in your own posts.

Rule 8: Any ambassador content that talks about Redd Remedies products must use Redd Remedies’ corresponding social media site tagged in the post. For Instagram it is @reddremedies. For Facebook, type in "Redd Remedies" and select the option provided. Please also use the hashtag #reddremedies for your posts.  

If posts, reels, carousels, blogs, videos, or other content do not follow these guidelines, Redd Remedies can remove you as an affiliate, and all commissions resulting from disallowed posts and content will be null and void.

Have questions? You have a dedicated contact! Please email Ambassador Manager Katie Jones at if you need help for any reason…or reach out if you have a fun collaboration idea that you want to run by us!


The Assets: Copy, Creatives, Graphics & More

Ambassador Guide

The Redd Remedies Ambassador Guide covers everything you need to know about how to properly promote Redd Remedies products.

View the Redd Remedies Ambassador Guide

Swipe Copy

Many of our products have swipe copy that’s been created for different audience types. Choose the version that will work best for your audience, or feel free to alter a copy so it best suits your needs (just be sure to work within the copy guidelines mentioned above).

View the Redd Remedies Swipe Copy


Product Images (all products, sized to IG dimensions)

Lifestyle Image Examples (categorized by source). There are creatives you can use in your Refersion account as well.

Social Media Posts

Examples of the best performing Ambassdor posts, reels, or TikToks

Redd Remedies Hashtags

  • #ReddRemediesPartner (required)
  • #ReddRemedies
  • #PurityPromise
  • #MasterHerbalist
  • #LoveRedd
  • #FamilyOwned
  • #BetterSleep
  • #Gouch
  • #BoneHealth
  • #JointHealth
  • #HeartHealth
  • #Vitality
  • #TrueEnergy
  • #LungHealth
  • #NEM
  • #FeelBetter
  • #NaturalSupplements
  • #PeacefulMama
  • #StressSupport
  • #MenopauseSupport

Product Education

View multiple videos on our Redd Ed website highlighting these categories:

  • Bones, Muscles & Joints
  • Children
  • Heart Health
  • Immune Health
  • Pets
  • Sinus & Respiratory
  • Stress, Energy & Emotional Health
  • Women's Health

And educational videos on these specific products:

Ambassador Disclaimer

By being an ambassador for Redd Remedies, you agree to comply with Redd Remedies Ambassador Program Rules and the FDA & FTC Compliance Guidelines provided to you in the Ambassador guidelines.

Thank You for Your Dedication to the Program!

We want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for being a part of the Redd Remedies Ambassador Program! Your dedication, passion, and support help spread the word about the power of our products and the impact they can have on people’s lives.

We’re here to support you every step of the way, and together, we can continue to inspire and empower more people to live healthier, more vibrant lives. Thank you for your partnership and commitment!