Stress has made its home in your “sweet tooth!”
The unpleasant burden of stress causes you to grab a sweet treat to get a kick of dopamine. However, the constant fluctuations of your blood sugar keep you in a vicious cycle of sugar crashes and sugar cravings!
This cycle is also compromising your emotional outlook, leaving you fighting feelings of sorrow and fatigue.
Based on your answers, we have concluded that you want to:
➤ Spend the day with sustained, natural energy
➤ Improve your emotional outlook and resist mood instability
➤ Banish destructive sugar cravings
➤ Stop eating more than you need to
Your Supplement Plan
Your Supplement Plan
True Energy™
Stress is clearly wearing your body down, leaving you feeling weary and fatigued.
We recommend you start your day the same way our CEO does; with the all-natural, stimulant-free True Energy™.
➤ Long-term, sustained physical energy
➤ Boosts mental focus and clarity
➤ Supports healthy levels of stamina and metabolism
All-Natural Ingredient List: Rhodiola, Asian Panax Ginseng, Cordyceps, Royal Jelly, Licorice Root, Atlantic Kelp, Co-enzymated Vitamin B6
Additional Advantages: Gluten-free; Vegetarian; 3rd-Party Lab Tested
Stop with the stimulants. It’s time for True Energy™!
Crave Stop™
Who hasn’t experienced the stressful day at the office that makes you grab a snack from the cafeteria?
If those snacks were apples or carrots, we wouldn’t be in such a mess. But stress causes us to grab brownies, ice cream, and other sugary sweets that are bad for our health and ultimately make us feel worse.
That’s why we think Crave Stop™ would be a perfect fit for you! This all-natural formula is nothing like a generic diet pill. It can help you:
➤ Break your unhealthy sugar cravings by resisting the stress that triggers them
➤ Maintain a healthy appetite and stop “overeating”
➤ Stop the unhealthy blood sugar swing that delivers your “sugar crash”
All-Natural Ingredient List: InSea2®; Crominex® 3+; Healthy Appetite Blend (Gymnema Sylvestre, American Ginseng)
Additional Advantages: Gluten-free; Non-GMO; Vegan; 3rd-Party Lab Tested
Resist your stress and fight your cravings with Crave Stop™!
Stress is a natural part of life; but all of us have moments where we need a little extra help coping. That’s why we think you’d benefit greatly from In•Joy™!
➤ Build your emotional strength and fight mood instability
➤ Uplift your mood and cultivate a positive outlook on life
➤ Promotes healthy relaxation
All-Natural Ingredient List: Holy Basil; Schisandra; Folic Acid; Vitamin B12; Vitamin D; 5-HTP; L-Tyrosine
Additional Advantages: Gluten-free; 3rd-Party Lab Tested
Stop living without joy and start living In•Joy™!