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Testing for Elemental Contaminants

Elemental contaminants, composed of only one type of atom, are released into the atmosphere by industry, and they settle into soil and are taken up into vegetation along with helpful nutrients. Elemental contaminants can be classified as: toxic heavy metals, other heavy metals, agricultural elements, industrial elements and radioactive elements; some may fall into multiple categories.
Redd Remedies tests each ingredient and every finished product to ensure that our unique natural supplements do not contain elemental contaminants that might be harmful to our consumers.

Heavy Metals

The names of the worst offenders in the Toxic Heavy Metal category are familiar to most of us: arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, lead and mercury. Some are extremely toxic in all forms; others are toxic only in some forms – as in an inhaled gas. Though these can play an important role in industry, they do contaminate the environment and we should not be ingesting them. Here are some of their more common uses, to demonstrate how pervasively they are found in our environment.

Arsenic, which is widely distributed in the earth’s crust, combines with other elements to create organic or inorganic arsenic compounds. Organic arsenic compounds (less toxic) are used as pesticides, while inorganic arsenic compounds (carcinogenic) are used to preserve wood. Berylium is most toxic when inhaled. The pure metal is used in the manufacturing of aircraft, x-ray machines, and nuclear weapons and reactors; beryllium alloys are used in the production of cars, computers, dental bridges and golf clubs. Cadmium is found in emissions from fossil fuels and cigarettes. Usually found with other metals in the earth’s crust, it is generally extracted as a by-product when other metals are produced. Uses include metal coatings, batteries, craft glazes and jewelry.

Chromium comes in three forms. Chromium III is a micronutrient we require, helpful in very small amounts. Chromium can change forms and contaminate soil, water and ground water when it is released into the environment from burning fuel, producing textiles, electroplating or leather tanning. Chromium VI, a human carcinogen, is also known as hexavalent chromium.

Lead, the most prevalent toxic heavy metal, is toxic to humans and is especially dangerous for the nervous systems of children and adults. Damage from lead ingested or inhaled can last a lifetime. Lead in water pipes is a main source of exposure. Mercury, the most toxic heavy metal, can combine with other elements to create organic mercury compounds or inorganic mercury compounds. Inorganic mercury is often discharged with waste water from mining or manufacturing operations. Mercury compounds can damage brains, kidneys and developing embryos.

In addition to these six, we test for 11 other heavy metals, including antimony, molybdenum, nickel, palladium, platinum, thallium and zinc.

Industrial Elements

Aluminum, used for a wide variety of goods and metal alloys, may be the most abundant element in the earth’s crust, but inhaling or ingesting it can be damaging to workers and others exposed to it. Tungsten, used in flame retardants, can be taken up in plants and accumulate in animals, which can damage livers.

Beyond the Basics

With our commitment to providing pure, healthy natural supplements, we at Redd Remedies feel an obligation to our consumers to test our products more extensively than required by any regulation or law. Any supplements intended to improve your health should be free of contaminants that could damage it, and we are dedicated to helping make sure that our supplements are as clean and pure as can be.

For additional information on our testing program and the health risks posed by these chemicals, please read the “955 White Paper” that can be accessed through this website page:

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