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Why Black Cohosh Isn’t Working for You

The right way to combat ALL your menopause symptoms

If you’ve entered the menopause phase of your life, you know how confusing it can be. Cold one minute, boiling hot the next. Feeling exhausted all day, but not sleeping at night. And your moods… well, even you can’t figure them out these days.

Your doctor may have recommended hormone replacement therapy, but you don’t want to risk the frightening side effects. So you tried making some lifestyle changes and turning to nature for support – most likely giving black cohosh a try. Unfortunately, it didn’t work for you, and that’s not as surprising as you might think.

But don’t get discouraged. There are other botanical options that safely take on the whole range of menopause stages and symptoms. So you can get back to feeling like yourself again.

Menopause Makes You Feel Off-Balance

Menopause is all about imbalances.

It starts with perimenopause, the preview that can last for ten years, where estrogen levels start to drop off. During this confusing time, you can experience menopause-related symptoms while still getting your period – though less frequently over time.

Once you’ve gone 12 full months without a period, you’ve officially hit menopause. Your ovaries produce only minuscule amounts of estrogen, which has profound effects on your body and comfort.

Everything after that 12-month marker counts as postmenopausal, and this stage lasts for the rest of your life. But just because menopause is technically over doesn’t mean it won’t still leave you feeling unbalanced.

The full menopause cycle can lead to a wide variety of symptoms that include more than the classics, and some that people just don’t talk about as much. Their intensity can range from mild to severe, even in the same person. These symptoms can strike at any stage and may even differ from day to day – another thing that can knock you off balance. They can include:

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Chills
  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Sleepless nights
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Low sex drive
  • Nervousness
  • Dizziness
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Dry skin
  • Joint pain
  • Mood swings
  • Irritability
  • Thinning hair

Whether you’re dealing with one or ten symptoms… whether they affect you daily or unpredictably… you just want them to stop. Millions of women seek natural support to ease their path through menopause. And one of the most popular go-to herbs for relief is black cohosh. But it’s often not the best choice.

The Black Cohosh Myth

If you search for “natural menopause solutions,” you’ll see a lot of black cohosh mentions. This herb has been around for ages… and it gets a lot of attention, probably more than it deserves.

There are three key reasons to skip black cohosh when you’re looking for menopause symptom relief:

  1. While black cohosh may help some women with hot flashes, it doesn’t do anything for the many other frustrating menopause symptoms. And when it comes to effectively minimizing hot flashes, clinical trials using black cohosh show mixed results.
  2. For some women, black cohosh may cause unpleasant side effects of be harmful. Potential side effects may include stomach upset, headaches, rash, or weight gain.
  3. Because black cohosh is such a popular remedy, there are some questionable products in this market space. Black cohosh formulations are often contaminated with unlisted – sometimes dangerous – ingredients. In fact, one study found that 66.6% of black cohosh preparations had quality issues.

Luckily, there are other safe, effective herbal options for managing stubborn menopause symptoms and getting your life back in balance.

Four Botanicals Address a Wide Range of Symptoms

Menopause comes with a lot of symptoms, and it takes a combination of botanicals to manage them. With the right combination at hand, you’ll be able to cool down, calm down, and move through menopause with ease no matter what phase you’re in.

The first botanical comes from the centuries-old Ayurvedic tradition. Shatavari, a plant revered for rejuvenation, has been used since ancient times to treat women struggling with menopause symptoms. Recent clinical studies confirmed that shatavari had a significant positive effect on quality of life in menopausal women, reducing nervousness, night sweats, and sleep issues while improving vaginal dryness and libido. Additional research shows that shatavari can help women sustain muscle and skeletal function as they age.

The next three botanicals work best as a team: Angelica gigas, Cynanchum wilfordii, and Phlomis umbrosa. These three Korean herbs have been used successfully for hundreds of years. This combination of Korean botanicals can be found in a patented blend which is backed by stacks of science. Research shows that this blend tackles numerous symptoms including:

  • Hot flashes
  • Sleep issues
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Mood
  • Joint discomfort
  • Fatigue

In clinical trials, menopausal women taking this patented blend of botanicals have reported improved quality of life without experiencing negative side effects or weight gain.

Let MenoWise™ Guide You Through Menopause with Ease

Menopause can make you feel unbalanced and out of control even on the best of days. From drenching night sweats to extreme crankiness to uncomfortable vaginal dryness, you can’t feel like yourself when you’re flooded by symptoms.

MenoWise™ can help you get your life back in balance and help you manage the menopause seesaw of symptoms. MenoWise™ deals with a variety of symptoms to smooth your entire journey from perimenopause to postmenopausal. This safe effective natural formula contains three Korean botanicals and Shatavari, for a complete solution.

Get your vitality and balance back with MenoWise™.


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